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A Round of Applause to the following
Designer: Cynna
Image: Cyworld KR
Host: Blogger
Scripts : Dynamic Drive
Modification: ariadneLacie
© 2013

Written @ 6:51 PM
Hello, all.
First, it must be an introduction, right?  Okay... just a short profile.
x. Don't know why, but I really don't want to expose my real name in the cyber world. I just have one account with my real name, though. So, just go by Ariadne Lacie, okay? You can call me Aria or Lacie.
x. I was born at 22 April 1997. So, just count how old I am now.

x. Alright, clueless. I don't know how to describe myself.
x. I have a long black hair. It's quite messy.
x. I was around 168cm height and 50kg weight (at 2011).
x. I prefer jeans than skirt.
x. Just find my picture in one of my account, okay?

x. I love my piano and violin. Still a beginner, but I really love them! But, actually the reason why I play those instruments are quite... silly.
x. I also love anime! I'm a mid-otaku. I didn't think it was a shame, though. Being an otaku is normal, and it can even motivate you! (The reasons why I play piano and violin are because I watched... some anime about music. That's a prove!)
x. I love to writing. I have a fanfiction account.

Okay. Just that. I think this isn't a short profile, eh?
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