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A Round of Applause to the following
Designer: Cynna
Image: Cyworld KR
Host: Blogger
Scripts : Dynamic Drive
Modification: ariadneLacie
© 2013

Written @ 7:24 AM
Halo! Well, there is so much that I want to tell... but... this is my MOST WANT TO TELL!
It's about Bleach episode 342. It's full of IchiRuki moments <3 I've shot a lot of screenshot.

Tadaaa~ And here's the pict!

Yang ini dari endingnya. Hoho, lagunya enakeun loh, judulnya 'Haruka Kanata' by Unlimits.
Entah kenapa aku selalu merinding kalo denger ni lagu, sambil nonton ED-nya.

" Into the far distance, towards the faraway sky,
our voice will be able to fly away.
It'll rise higher and reach anywhere, no matter how far. "
(Translation of Haruka Kanata by Unlimits)

 "Bye, Rukia."
"Thank you."
(Kurosaki Ichigo, at last scene of Bleach episode 342)

NAH! YANG INI! #heboh
Yang pernah ada di manga loh~ yang di anime dramatis sangat :( soalnya ada back sound-nya, terus ngilangnya juga perlahan... DRAMATIS! SUKA!

Oke, mungkin gue termasuk telat buat para Otaku yang nonton Bleach 342. Soalnya seminggu ini gue ada UTS, padahal ni pilem udah di donlot dari kapan ==' Udah itu, tugas masih tetep jalan... les juga... pokoknya yang penting sekarang gue udah nonton <3

Eniwei, tu gambar gue screenshot sendiri loh! Ya terus kenapa.

Tapi, masalahnya gue cuma screenshot gambar Rukia. Jarang gambar IchiRuki. Hoho. Tapi liat aja tumblr gue. Gue baru aja nge-spam moment IchiRuki disana~

Tuh, moment IchiRuki-nya. Uwaaah, wajah Rukia-nya sedih banget. Sebenernya gue juga mewek, tapi ga keluar air mata. Bikin merinding.

" If you get hurt, then I’ll support you!
If you can’t move, then I’ll fight in your place!
If you’re in pain, then I’ll bear your pain!
We’re friends, right?! "

Bleach: Farewell Swords

Another Screenshot : (from my tumblr page LOL.

Gue jadi ingin bikin songfic <3 Kayaknya lagu Avenged Sevenfold yang So Far Away pas ya. Hmm, always check my FFn account yep, and don't forget to read my fic and review it XD promosi ceritanya.

Well, nothing more to say... so... ENJOY THIS EPISODE!!
ariadnelacie. 2011.
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