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A Round of Applause to the following
Designer: Cynna
Image: Cyworld KR
Host: Blogger
Scripts : Dynamic Drive
Modification: ariadneLacie
© 2013

Written @ 1:17 AM
Maybe too much curiosity will kill you.
Yeah, I really mean it.


I have this kind of psycho feelings... that feelings of  'a lil bit happy when your bf is jealous for you'. Allright, this is not really that unreasonable, though. Because in that moment, I'm happy because if he jealous, he still loves me...  But this thing sometimes lead to trouble.

Well, in case if you're reading this (a lil chance, eh...?) I want to tell you that I am deeply sorry and feeling guilty :( okay I know I'm just too excessive on this :( But I just want to know your reaction... I want to know that you'll fight for me or not. But I'm glad that you didn't really mad... or not showing that you're mad... but just be honest with me. I'll fight for you :)


Sincerely, to my dearly beloved.
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