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© 2013

Book Review: "L".
Written @ 6:08 AM

by: Kristy Nelwan

Penerbit: PT Gramedia, Jakarta 2008.
393 halaman.

5/5 stars.

This novel start with Ava Torino, a twenty something girl whom work as a producer in one of the television studio company in Bandung. Ava is someone who doesn’t believe in love. Yet, she already have a lot of boyfriend. Why? Because she have a wish to fill her list of 26 boyfriend with 26 alphabet from A to Z as their initial.

“Yeah... That’s why I never believe in a thing named love. I don’t believe love without requirements is exist. And I’m sure, I’m smart enough to not following the drama and felt the feeling of ‘fell in love’ anymore. Wasting time!”

Unexpectedly, she’d really done that. She even got a boyfriend with Q and X as their initial, even though it’s a kind of imposible. The ironic fact is that, the hardest one to find is the one with ‘L’ as his initial. Then, Ava decided that this ‘L’ will be her Last Love.

The story then goes on until one day Ava came to Bali, and found a myth about the one who can touch the stupa inside the Candi, will have their wish granted. Meanwhile, Ava’s friends; Kim, Jenna and Cardo is boasting about the fact that she can’t touch the stupa. Ava then decided to try it, despite her belief which doesn’t believe about something like this. She then tried to touch the stupa, while making a wish to found her ‘L’. Surprisingly, she’d able to touch it so easily.

After the  activity with the stupa, Ava went to buy a plate of fried rice. While waiting for her fried rice, there’s a handsome guy went into the fried rice tent also. He is a kind of a handsome guy whom Ava will pick as her boyfriend. The stupa which Ava touched a few hours before suddenly crossed her mind when she saw him. Is this guy the ‘L’ she find all of this time?

Unfortunately, when they finally talking to each other while waiting for each other fried rice to be served, Ava learned that the name of the guy is Rei. It’s ‘R’, not ‘L’. Both of them then parted since Ava still have her job waiting, and the same with Rei.

In the same day but this time at night, Ava was introduced to another handsome guy by her friend, Kim. This time, the name of the guy is Ludi. This time it’s ‘L’.

After that, Ava and Ludi started to going out as a couple. As time flies by, they even reached the stage of engagement. This time Ava fullfilled her word. She decided that this Ludi will be her last. She’s going to be serious about this Ludi, not like her other exes.

However, things began to change when Ava met again with Rei in her new office when she moved to Jakarta. They were in the same office. So, they met with each other everyday.

Started from that day, Ava’s day always filled with Rei, Rei, and Rei which stole her cigarettes everyday. Rei always lecturing her about smoke isn’t good, and everything else which pisses Ava. Even though they always came to quarrel everyday they met, they grow closer and closer.
Until one day Rei didn’t come to the office. Ava thought that it’s only that day. But, Rei never came back to the office. The day Rei came back to the office is when he send the resignation letter.

“Pray for me.”
“What kind of prayer?”
“So...— so that I can come out from a big trouble.”

Ava whom didn’t accept the way Rei left without any goodbye then went to his house. Only to find Rei nonchalantly told about he is going to get some rest, because he a kind of having problem with his lung.

The story then reached it’s climax when Ava realized that she loves Rei, even though she’d already engaged with Ludi. Is her last love wasn’t the ‘L’ but the ‘R’?

“I love you too... since the first time we met... until the day I cannot say.”


My Review:

Overall the idea of the story itself was unique, which will make you fall in love just by reading it’s first chapter. This is a kind of novel which will make you don’t want to stop reading it until you found out what will happen in the end. The way the writer told the story is easy to understand. Another point is, even though this is like a kind of some ‘romantic-love-story’ novel, but this novel hold a great moral value in it. Reading this will make us thinking about what have we done to our life, and how life is so unpredictable within our logic.

Since the point of view used in this novel is the point of view of the main character, Ava, so you’ll be feeling what she felt. I love how the writer goes on with Ava’s mind, that definitely can make the reader felt what Ava felt also. You’ll feel sad, angry, and happy when reading this novel.

My favorite character here is definitely Rei. I loved his easy-going personality, his sense of humour yet his extremely wise personality. Rei is a kind of your prince charming which only exist in novel and movie. (Well, this is a novel and Rei is in the novel...)

The ending of the novel is sweet and quite unexpected. Even though this is a kind of cliche romantic novel, and I’m not really a fan of it, but I’m deeply fall in love with this. Gonna miss Rei and the other characters in here.

Definitely recommended for any book lover.


Kenapa harus review pake Bahasa Inggris padahal udah jelas grammar-nya ancur-ancuran?

Karena ini tugas Bahasa Inggris di sekolah aku, dan daripada sayang cuma dijadiin tugas aja yaudah di-post ke sini. :)) Lagipula udah lama ga review apapun...

-April, 8th 2013.

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